It is hereby warranted and declared that the intermediary, if any, and the Proposed Insured and/or all members who are applying for any insurance product herein (collectively “Proposed Insured”) agree as follows: I/We declare to the best of my/our knowledge and belief that the information given is true in every respect. I/We agree that this application and declaration shall form the basis of the contract between me/us and Starr International Insurance Philippines Branch (Starr). Starr International Insurance Philippines Branch (Starr) is an insurance company registered and operates in Philippines. I/We authorize Starr to obtain medical information from my/our medical practitioner(s) and I/we agree to supply additional information relevant to this insurance policy at my/our own expense. The insurance application will be deemed accepted only upon the issuance of the relevant insurance policy by Starr. I/We hereby declare, agree and consent that any personal data collected or held by Starr (whether contained in this application or otherwise obtained) is provided and may be held by, used by and disclosed by Starr to Starr's parent companies, subsidiaries, related companies, group companies, and/or any individual/organization associated with Starr (collectively the Starr Companies) such as product distributors, contractors, other financial service providers or persons or entities providing administrative, operational, customer, technical and/or telecommunication support to Starr and/or the Starr Companies, within or outside the Philippines, for the purposes of processing this application and/or providing subsequent insurance-related services, including but not limited to administering the policies issued to you and/or processing any claim under the policies issued to you. I/We understand that Starr may be unable to process this application if I/we fail to provide any information requested in this application, and I/we have to right to request not to receive any direct marketing materials or calls, or to request access to and/or correct any personal information held by Starr concerning me/us. Such request can be made to Starr's Data Privacy Officer. I/We further understand that under Republic Act 9160 (Anti-Money Laundering Act) as amended by Republic Act 9194 and pertinent regulations, all insurance companies are required to satisfactorily establish the identities of all its customers. Starr reserves the right not to accept and process any application for insurance if I/We fail to provide sufficient evidence to establish his/her identity.